I need a life baccck, this isn't life.
I think I should get back to blogging regularly.
Because it hones my writing capabilities (that's if I blog properly) coupled with the incentive that it allows me to reflect on my life (with reservations) .
This few weeks had seen me burrowing and sinking into the ravage madness of my notes.
1 and a half year of JC curriculum = vertically 100 metres worth of notes.
Look at the mess I've gotten myself into.
Sometimes, I really wonder if I should had enrolled myself into a Polytechnic instead.
I can't stand my grades now, it reflects the inabilities.
Yes so in my technical terms, the function of lousy grades- Signalling and rationing function.
Signals that I should really start studying hard, and cut down on the hours I spent on redundancies/cut those crap (rationing).
Something to be proud of!
My shopping frequencies had reduced so tremendously.
Like really tremendously. Because my wardrobe is really explodingzz.
Today's the decentralised service!
Hehe, its so urban geography.
I need to report at 1030am to serve, so I gottttta go nowww!
I have a lot more to talk about!
But till then!